November 17, 2015

The 3 Most Common Myths in the Public Relations World

By: Christina Lucchesi

Many people are familiar with the term public relations and often misconstrue exactly what it entails. At Olive PR Solutions, we ensure each of our clients and partners fully understand what we do and what they can expect by working with us. Sometimes PR myths can be accepted as facts, and today, we’re debunking three of the most common:

  1. PR is the same as advertising and marketing.
    • To simplify this comparison, public relations is based on earned media and two-way communication, whereas advertising and marketing are often limited to one-way communication and big dollar signs. Though the three are related and work best together, they remain separate entities for a reason. Here’s an analogy our president, Jenn, refers to,
      • Marketing is this: Imagine you are standing in a bar, trying to meet someone. This attractive individual walks in and you quickly grab his/her arm and start proclaiming how amazing you are. That’s the essence of marketing—you are promoting yourself.
      • Public Relations is this: Now imagine you are standing in a bar next to us and you are trying to meet someone. This beautiful person walks in and we find a creative, genuine way of getting their attention and start telling them how amazing you are and how important it is that they get to know you.
      • Advertising is this: We have made the introduction to your bar crush, we walk away, and you close the deal.
  2. Results happen overnight.  
    • Public relations should be a long-term investment. Landing a feature in a top-tier print publication upon the initial press release is certainly possible, but it isn’t the norm. Editors work well in advance of the issue date, as most print publications have a three to six month lead time, so it’s typical to see coverage come to fruition much later down the road. Even short-lead media like online outlets and newspapers will likely need to see your brand a couple times before featuring you. It takes more than a month or two to form a meaningful relationship, and it’s no different when you’re talking about client-agency relations. Establishing rapport between the media and your brand takes time and it’s important to build an ongoing campaign to ensure there isn’t a lapse in communication.
  3. PR and social media will take the place of your sales team.  
    • The second a PR or social media campaign begins, we become a team, and as part of your team we want what’s best for your brand, so it’s important you realize that PR and social media will not replace your sales team. PR and social media are directly coordinated with brand awareness and credibility, and while you should absolutely see a big impact in sales overtime, you still need your sales tools and team in order to the close the deal. Our job is to get your phone to ring or to get people to your website or front door, but you have to close the deal. Our efforts establish the legitimacy of your brand, so when your sales team approaches a new lead, it will be a slam dunk.

What are some questions that you have about the PR world? Ask us in a comment below.
