April 16, 2020

The Rise

By Jennifer Borba von Stauffenberg

It’s coming. We will all rise. Many of us will be okay. And, most of us will have learned some really powerful lessons along the way.

As my focus turns to the rise and recovery of this crazy time for businesses and our health as a society, I find myself hopeful and inspired. I’ve learned so much about myself and the people around me. They always say, you will learn much more about people when they are in a crisis than when things are going well. Boy is that true!

I feel confident and grateful that many of our clients will come out of this stronger. It may not be an immediate bottom line stronger, but I know we will get there. Here are six things we are doing to prepare ourselves and our clients for the next stage.

By now, you are likely out of crisis mode and should be executing the strategy you have decided on. It’s time to think about what’s next.

  • Be prepared to be nimble. Create your plan and tactics and know that things could change. In other words, focus on your plan, but release your expectations of the timeline and how it will all go.
  • Ask yourself what happens in a best-case scenario for what you are facing now. Focus on what the greatest possibility is. I always like to leave a window open for miracles because they do sweep in, even in business.
  • Get real and get critical. What securities could you put in place in case things go even further south? For example, if we are hit with another extension of stay-at-home orders, will you need to make layoffs? If so, you should be applying for government support because it could happen and it could help to prevent this.
  • If you are currently closed, what needs to happen in order for you to reopen? What series of things would make it possible? How much money? How many employees? What resources? Who do you know that can help?
  • What is your campaign to unify and celebrate the return? What is the message you will be putting out?
  • How will you inform your team, clients, partners and vendors about your current state and plans?
  • What have you learned about your business, team, services and products that will dictate some new directions or changes going forward?

Everything will come back to life. It’s up to you how you will rise. Will you make this the greatest opportunity to improve and grow? For support during this time, we are offering free consulting to businesses in need. Click here to schedule a meeting.
