April 8, 2020

In Times of Trouble It All Counts

By Jennifer Borba von Stauffenberg

As I reflect on the last three weeks and forecast the next three, my mind is both focused on the macro and the micro. The truth is that it all counts right now.

As business owners, we are challenged with thinking both about the big picture and every single detail and we must. Every step we take will dictate the future. As we were all hit with the same reality on the same day, we had to pause and take inventory. First of our health and well-being and then second of the numbers.

For so many, the fears were not around their physical health, rather around economic health and with good reason. This global pandemic will certainly take lives, but it will likely take even more away economically. As we have navigated this crisis with our clients, we have found the following steps to be critical in effectively pivoting our marketing and public relations needs:

  1. There is no such thing as business as usual. This absolutely must be addressed in every channel of communication and failing to do so will make your organization seem out of touch and insensitive.
  2. How you navigate forward strongly depends on your attitude. Will you be a beacon of hope and positivity or will you fall into the trenches of fear?
  3. Have you taken into consideration all of the stimulus packages to determine what will be a fit for you? This is important because identifying a solution will help you feel more confident with moving forward.
  4. How can you help? What can you or your organization do to step up for your team, your clients and the world around you?
  5. Identify a clear plan on how you will move forward and begin implementing those steps.
  6. Get creative with your approach. All marketing materials should be adjusted for the short term to reflect your new messaging.
  7. All previously scheduled social media posts must be set aside for current and applicable messaging. Identify the tone of how you will direct action going forward.
  8. All immediate press releases or pitches should be modified to adapt to our new reality.
  9. Long-term planning must be handled with care as we do not know what the future holds. At Olive, we are connecting with our media contacts to find out how they are adjusting and then working with them in whichever way they prefer.
  10. Holding a vision of hope each day as we navigate these new and unfamiliar steps. We know this will be over eventually and we know that there is a lot to learn from this experience. At Olive, we are identifying our new awareness and taking the necessary steps to make sure we keep the changes that are for the better.
  11. When this is over, we will all rise. We are planning for what that journey looks like with each of our clients, knowing that the campaigns and communication during that time will be critical.

We wish you all success navigating through this time. We are happy to be a resource to support you with taking all the necessary steps to bring your businesses and our economy back to health. #OliveUsTogether
